
When I am King: When I am King... (the Book)

When I am King...

Everyone will buy my book.

From the avalanche of feedback I've had and the thousands of surveys my team has conducted, it is clear that The People demand a more readable format for the truly critical "When I am King..." treatises. Especially for reading when, er, resting in a restroom.

Or perhaps I just needed to see if I could publish a book slightly less geeky than my last one.

In any case, I've just published a collection of "When I am King" articles with the catchy title When I am King.... The book is everything that you've enjoyed in those blog postings and slightly more. Additional features unique in this book include:

  • A stunning new cartoon, commissioned expressly for the cover of this book by a guest artist (me)

  • New cartoon icon images for every single article, by another guest artist (me)

  • Clever and helpful categorizations of the articles, which are coincidentally synchronized to work hand-in-hand with the Table of Contents

  • A new Foreword, written expressly for this edition by a guest author (me)

  • A new Backword section (possibly the first such section for any book ever, proudly setting a backwards precedent), also written expressly for this edition, also by a guest author (also me)

  • Professional, or at least time-consuming, editing, resulting in numerous spelling correxshuns and grammaratical improvements

  • Sophisticated 'type setting' for every article, through the use of a 'word processing program'

Additionally, there is this one-time offer: I agree to sign your book if you happen to run into me (and I survive the crash).

The publisher assures me that the book may eventually be available in bookstores and online merchants everywhere, but it will take a few weeks to work through the system. I think they're probably hand-checking every page of every copy, to ensure that this epic tome is without defects and ready for the worldwide audience. In the meantime, you can get your copy at Lulu.com:

Note that the shipping costs hurt a bit if you're ordering just one copy, but that the per-copy shipping is less for larger orders. So order hundreds of copies to save big.

Meanwhile, I'll be busy working on the movie deal.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations - I'd grab a copy for the "positive and finite" chance of knocking you out ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ordered my copy! My bathroom awaits.

Somatik said...

Great, just ordered my copy!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!! That's great, Chet, and well deserved.